A leather binder is perfect for carrying the essentials you will need on interview day. It is better than a briefcase, shoulder bag, or purse because it looks professional, is small and easily portable, and will allow you to keep important documents crisp and wrinkle free. Non-essential belongings can be left in the Admissions Office (the secretary will always be willing to store a suitcase and coat for the day), at your hotel’s front desk, or with the person with whom you stayed.
Here’s what belongs in your binder:
- Copies of your personal statement and application
- A curriculum vitae (CV) or resume that concisely reflects the information from your application
- A written application update, if applicable
- Materials from the Admissions office (maps, schedules, etc. distributed upon arrival)
- Cash, identification, boarding pass, metro card, etc.
- Blank Thank you notes
- Ink pen
On the interview day, your binder will also be the place where you store the business cards you request from each interviewer.
I purchased my binder at my college’s bookstore for about $40, and it was one of the best investments I made during interview season. I recommend one with a zipper. Here’s an example from Amazon.