August 9, 2011


Between your AMCAS fee, Secondaries, and perhaps a new suit purchase, you are already feeling the financial pressure of applying to medical school.  And, for most applicants, interviews have not even started!

Even the most savvy applicants will likely find interviews to be an expensive endeavor.  That said, there are definitely a few ways to cut back. 

When Traveling
Transportation expenses add up quickly.  Frequently, you will find no way to avoid an expensive flight, and you simply have to eat those costs. Of course, shop around for your tickets, and buy early when you can.

The expense that is often more difficult to predict and surprisingly expensive is transportation to and from the airport, train station, etc. and medical school.  When I was interviewing, I often arrived at my destination on the night before interview day.  Usually, this meant I wasn’t too pressured for time which enabled me to avoid cabs and take advantage of public transportation, which is a slower option in most US cities.  Use websites like to plan your route.   

Following the interview, you may be more pressured for time because of flight, train, or bus departure times.  Don’t hesitate to coordinate over lunch with your fellow interviewees.  Many of the applicants will be headed where you’re headed, and the Admissions office is often happy to call or hail a cab for you.  Be sure to bring cash so everyone can split fairly.  I did this at almost every interview and loved the combination of efficiency and savings!

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